Streamline Your Token & NFT Distributions

Discover the power of batch sending with Metasender, your ultimate tool for distributing tokens and NFTs across multiple addresses effortlessly.

Whether you're launching an airdrop, rewarding your community, or distributing promotional items, Metasender simplifies the process, saving you time and resources.


Wide Range Of Use Cases

Here are some ways our customers utilize Metasender

Airdrop Campaign



A crypto startup is preparing to launch a new ERC20 token and wants to incentivize early adopters by distributing tokens through an airdrop campaign.

Challenge 3x


Managing and executing an airdrop to thousands of addresses manually is time-consuming and prone to errors, potentially damaging the project's reputation.



Utilizing Metasender's batch sending capabilities, the startup efficiently distributes their new token to a pre-defined list of recipients. The process is automated, secure, and ensures every participant receives their tokens promptly.

Reward Distribution



A DeFi platform seeks to distribute weekly rewards to its users based on their platform activity.

Challenge 3x


The platform faces difficulties in timely distributing rewards due to the growing number of participants and the variable reward amounts.



By integrating Metasender, the platform sets up automatic reward distributions, calculated and sent out at the end of each week. This includes various amounts of tokens to hundreds of addresses in a single transaction.

Promotional Giveaway



An NFT project wants to conduct a promotional giveaway to increase visibility and attract new collectors.

Challenge 3x


The project team needs a method to distribute NFTs to a large group of winners across different blockchains without incurring exorbitant gas fees.



Leveraging Metasender's multi-chain and NFT distribution features, the project team conducts a seamless giveaway. Winners receive their NFTs directly in their wallets, regardless of the blockchain.

Tokens Distribution



A blockchain-based gaming company wants to distribute in-game currency to its players as a seasonal reward.

Challenge 3x


The company needs to distribute tokens to a vast number of player wallets, each with different reward amounts based on the players' in-game achievements.



By using Metasender, the gaming company automates the distribution process. Customized reward amounts are sent to thousands of players simultaneously, ensuring fairness and transparency.

Tailored Assistance for
Your Specific Needs

Should your distribution needs or Web3 project requirements extend beyond the ordinary, we're here to assist. Metasender is crafted by Brumaire, a Web3 technology studio with a knack for innovative solutions.

Eager to dive deeper into our world? Visit our about page or explore our website at for more insights.

With Metasender operational across 10+ blockchains, we're well-equipped to support airdrops on platforms beyond our current scope. If your project ventures into a blockchain we don’t support, don't hesitate to contact us; we're ready to tailor our services to meet your unique needs.

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Multisend your assets now

With MetaSender, send thousands of tokens or NFTs to multiple addresses in a single click. Secure, efficient, and ready to go whenever you are.

Just Connect your wallet, select your blockchain, and send your assets.